Knowies - Share and network the knowledge, and have a 3D Dynamic profile created , ASR Ventures

Knowies - Share and network the knowledge, and have a 3D Dynamic profile created

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How often do you read articles, blogs, or watch webinars, videos, or any other online content? I'm guessing daily. How often do you save this content? Some of you will, many of you will not. How often do you share this content with others? I'm guessing not as much as I think we should. How does my daily reading help build my visible profile?

When I came in contact with the creators of Knowies I got inspired by their idea. Creating a platform where you can not only store content (possible Knowledge) but also share it with others. A platform where you can expose yourself to your knowledge & interests and find people with knowledge that can help you.

A platform where I share links, webinars, blogs, videos, etc as my personal collection or in my communities (based on topic), or see how my network or communities are posting new information. I can rate those links and have a conversation on that information and search later easily using the hash.

I am enjoying Knowies, since July 2019 and really learning and sharing knowledge better than twitter or Linkedin and wondered to see my 3D profile being built up nicely. I invite you to join Knowies to be sharing and becoming Knowies (we know together and we are what we read).

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Knowies is continually growing and moving from beta to heavy users and always open for feedback and please share your inputs to me on the website.

Please have a look at my dashboard on Knowies on Feb 2020.

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Wauw so cool !! Latest version of a 3D dynamic profile. Go for it!!

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