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Application built from a .kv file


This shows how to implicitly use a .kv file for your application. You should see a full screen button labelled “Hello from test.kv”.

After Kivy instantiates a subclass of App, it implicitly searches for a .kv file. The file test.kv is selected because the name of the subclass of App is TestApp, which implies that kivy should try to load “test.kv”. That file contains a root Widget.

File application/

Application built from a  .kv file

This shows how to implicitly use a .kv file for your application. You
should see a full screen button labelled "Hello from test.kv".

After Kivy instantiates a subclass of App, it implicitly searches for a .kv
file. The file test.kv is selected because the name of the subclass of App is
TestApp, which implies that kivy should try to load "test.kv". That file
contains a root Widget.

import kivy

from import App

class TestApp(App):

if __name__ == '__main__':

File application/test.kv

1#:kivy 1.0
4    text: 'Hello from test.kv'